regular shop sale


Thank you for checking out the about me section. I have given a lot of detail on how i got to where i am today and why. If you have any questions feel free to ask!!! ♥

About me and why I started my business!

Hello & welcome!
Let me tell you a little about myself and what motivates me.
I am a mom of two beautiful girls and married to an amazing man. My husband and I have been together since I was 16, so putting up with me now over 22 years! He has served 3 tours in Iraq within 4 years. From these tours he has suffered some brain trauma among other things yet he still fights to put food on our tables and make sure we have an amazing life, he accepts my anxiety and struggles and helps me through them every single day even though he is going through his own fights. 

I myself am one who struggles with bi-polar, anxiety, depression, severe OCD, Thyroid issues among other things. I'm a big advocate in trying to help others even when i am still struggling. There is nothing wrong with needing help even if it means needing medication. Do what you need to do to fight your demons and survive in this world. 
I have always been a home from the moment our first daughter was born, I never wanted someone else to raise our girls so i stayed home while my hubby worked. Then we had our second daughter a few years later and that took up ever moment in my life and I'm so grateful I was able to do this.  Our youngest ran into some health troubles most of her younger years and then when she was 11 she got sick and started acting off, we took her to Urgent care thinking she caught something from school but instead we learned she has T1D, only 5% of people who have Diabetes have this form. It is an autoimmune disease, it usually only appears in children and they have no idea what causes it or how to fix it. So I became her caregiver, helped her fight highs, lows, fevers, colds and everything in between. She cant just eat proper diet and it gets better as with say Diabetes can, she will for the rest of her life have to count every carb, every step she takes, decide when to eat versus shower and so much more.. She is now 16 going on 30 and doing amazing and I couldn't be more proud of my Warrior. 
Once my daughter started taking care of herself more I ended up becoming a caregiver for my ill father who moved in with us may of 2021. He is Type 2 Diabetic and stopped taking care of himself, stopped walking, stopped eating pretty much everything. He has been my bestfriend all my life so when it was my turn to help take care of him and spoil him there was no way I would turn that down. So we moved him in and I started doing his physical therapy with him and taking care of his blood and insulin (something i have tons of training in for my youngest daughter), making sure he takes all his pills. It has truly taken over my everyday life. I would really do anything for my family.
I really needed something that could help bring in money for my family. So, I started with creating beautiful hand made items and it quickly became a HUGE part of my life where over time it has grown into my small business! I am so grateful to be able to grow my business & help my family at the same time thanks to all of you.